[Co-author: Carey Olsen] Arbitration clauses are commonly found in commercial contracts. However, tricky issues arise when a company subsequently seeks an order for winding up, particularly in circumstances where the […]
[Co-author: Carey Olsen] Arbitration clauses are commonly found in commercial contracts. However, tricky issues arise when a company subsequently seeks an order for winding up, particularly in circumstances where the […]
Chapter 15 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code is the U.S. domestic adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (1997) (“UNCITRAL Model Law“). One of its most important goals […]
For the last two decades banks have adapted to significant and wide-ranging regulatory change. From Basel III and interest rate reforms to individual accountability regimes and responsible lending, the regulatory […]
Expectations about what banks should offer consumers is changing, but not all consumers want the same thing. As the role of banks in the community evolve, the pressure to personalise […]
Amidst evolving sanctions imposed worldwide, the shipping and international trade industries continue to grapple with new challenges. Commercial parties have to carefully navigate the complex sanctions regime to ensure that […]
In the realm of international trade and commerce, contracting parties from different jurisdictions commonly agree to resolve any disputes by way of international arbitration. However, when your counterparty chooses to […]
Singapore will mandate the equitable sharing of losses from scams across victims, financial institutions, and mobile telephone operators under a new Shared Responsibility Framework. The Shared Responsibility Framework (SRF) was […]
In December 2023, Singapore acceded to the Hague Service Convention[1] (the “HSC“). This is of particular interest to claimants suing foreign defendants in Singapore, as service of Singapore court papers […]
On 2 July 2024 Parliament introduced the Anti-Money Laundering and Other Matters Bill for the First Reading in Parliament and passed the Corporate Service Providers Bill and the Companies and […]
Overview of amendments to the PSA Guidelines On 26 July 2024, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) issued an amended set of the Guidelines on Licensing for Payment Services Providers […]
The concept of separate legal personality and limited liability is the bedrock of company law. When a Singapore limited liability company enters into a contract governed by foreign law, it […]
On 26 April 2024, the Singapore Courts issued the first known Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) judgment granting a post-award anti-suit injunction, protecting their setting-aside jurisdiction and the integrity of […]
Insolvency law across the Commonwealth generally prescribes that when a company moves toward insolvency, the main economic stakeholder in the company shifts from its shareholders to its creditors. When this […]